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Coffee trends 2022

Coffee is considered a stimulant and is also a real superfood with many health-promoting properties. For many guests, it is therefore hard to imagine everyday life without it. To keep the aromatic beverage exciting for a long time, you should create variety with exceptional coffee variations. We present five coffee trends for 2022 that your guests will love.

by Julia Vießmann

In Germany, no other beverage is as popular as coffee. As a stimulant, it is an integral part of the morning ritual for many people. While at home it is usually enjoyed in classic black or with milk and sugar, in the out-of-home business it is above all fancy coffee specialties that are popular among guests.

1. Coffee trend 2022: Plant-based coffee

The plant-based trend continues in 2022 and is reflected in delicious, vegan coffee variations. Plant-based milk alternatives such as soy, almond, oat or coconut milk allow the preparation of delicious coffee specialties without any animal ingredients and serve as a high-quality source of protein. They are also more sustainable and contribute to animal welfare. Special plant-based barista variants are now available on the market, which are easier to froth up and make especially creamy latte creations.

2. Coffee trend 2022: Cold brew coffee

Cold brew coffee continues to enjoy great popularity. This pleasant flavorful coffee specialty originated in Japan and is prepared with cold water. Compared to brewing with hot water, this procedure extracts fewer bitter substances and acids, while the caffeine and flavors can unfold more intensively.

The easiest way to make cold brew coffee is using the full immersion method. During this process, ground coffee beans are put in a pot with cold water. The mixture should then infuse for several hours, preferably overnight. Cold brew is served black or with sugar, milk or vegetable milk varieties.

3. Coffee trend 2022: Proffee (protein coffee)

Proffee is the latest coffee trend from the Internet and inspires not only coffee lovers, but especially health-conscious guests and fitness fans. The combination of protein shake and coffee is considered an energy booster and at the same time very healthy. The protein coffee is prepared with cold coffee or cold brew and a protein shake (ready from the can or home-mixed from protein powder).

The drink satisfies in many respects. The protein contained supports muscle building. Proffee is quick and easy to prepare and can be very varied through the different flavors of protein shakes.

4. Coffee trend 2022: Individual coffee creations

Starbucks has been leading the way for many years: Coffee specialties that can be created by the customer using a modular concept are more popular than ever. To allow guests to make a coffee exactly to their liking, be sure to offer them plenty of choices. For example, there can be a choice of different coffee variants (filter coffee, espresso, cold brew), milk types (cow's milk or plant-based milk alternatives such as soy, oat or coconut milk), coffee syrup variants (chocolate, caramel, vanilla), toppings (whipped cream, milk foam, condensed milk) and garnishes (cocoa, cinnamon, sprinkles).

5. Coffee trend 2022: Coffee specialties with alcohol

The combination of coffee and alcohol is not new, but offers many variations and brings something fresh to the evening cocktail menu. A classic is Irish Coffee, made with coffee, caramelized sugar, whiskey and cream. Austrian Fiaker is mixed with cherry spirit, rum and plum brandy instead of whiskey. Also in great demand in winter is the diplomat's coffee with coffee, egg liqueur and milk foam.

Zero waste trend: Serving coffee in a sustainable way

Sustainability and zero waste are becoming more and more the focus of modern gastronomy. There are now many environmentally friendly solutions for enjoying coffee – whether on the premises or to-go. High-quality coffee cups made of hard porcelain not only look stylish, but can also be hygienically cleaned and used for several years. For coffee to-go, either recyclable cups or reusable cups can be offered to avoid waste.

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