The perfect wedding
The wedding is for some the most beautiful day in life and for others an important revenue generator. Those who specialize in wedding celebrations benefit from the fact that the number of marriages in Germany is continuously increasing and experience guests who wish only the best for themselves and their loved ones and are willing to invest in their dream wedding: From exquisite entertainment with show interludes to a cocktail bar and epicurean treats to accompany them through the day and evening.

All white - several times a year
The most beautiful day in life takes place several times for the caterer. Therefore, the tableware equipment should meet different requirements.
The most important protagonist and VIP among the basic items is certainly the plate. It gives culinary delicacies room for eye candy and skillfully sets them off visually.
Its outer shape does not follow any single trend - whether round, oval, angular or abstract depends on the use and facon of the house.

Little plate lore for the wedding table setting
The classic plate consists of a flat dining surface and a raised rim, the so-called rim. Plates with medium or wide rims offer particular grip safety and are therefore easy to serve. If they are used at the buffet, the grip-friendly rims also make it easier for guests to transport food safely.
A flat, unrestricted dining surface is the core feature of a coup plate. It holds a generous dining surface for fancy food compositions.

A professional appearance right from the start
For the search for the perfect wedding location, the Internet is used above all. In order to be found by the target group via search engines, search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is a good idea. Among other things, this involves using meaningful headlines and frequently used search terms that are used in the search for locations and the like. This increases the number of visitors and thus attracts potential guests.
Those who focus on wedding guests reach their target group primarily visually. Emotionally charged images showing, for example, a laid wedding table with decorations or festively decorated premises make the celebration imaginable for potential guests. Photos of past wedding celebrations also provide a good insight into the skills of the host.
If one would like to specialize in the wedding business the consideration lies close its own registry office room to furnish or a calm and shielded external area for a free wedding to offer. With it the chances for the organization of many weddings stand surely well.
Advertising the business in wedding magazines or being present at wedding fairs and platforms on the subject are also suitable ways of directly addressing the target group.
Networking: Success with partners
Increasingly, the restaurateur also sees himself as a wedding planner, advising the bride and groom not only on the choice of food and drinks or table planning.

It offers a comprehensive network of specialists: The graphic designer takes care of the design of the invitation and the menu and seating card. The florist near the location supplies the flowers and decorates the tables and room. Furthermore, the partners include, for example, a photographer, cake baker and an event team.
Small subtleties that remain in the memory
The wedding party expects perfection down to the smallest detail: so menu cards on fine paper with logo of the house are very well received. A handwritten greeting is personal and brings joy.
So that the food presentation and the program points do not overlap, the caterer and his team should know the sequence well. That way, everyone knows his or her place.

Surprise and convince: A wedding rarely comes alone
A wedding dinner that caters to every taste is a matter of course. An attractive trial meal offer in advance is particularly well received.
If the bride and groom and the wedding party are completely happy at the end of the big day, the host can be sure that he will soon be booked for another wedding. Because among the guests are certainly also future wedding couples.