
Attractive counterparts to plain white plates are items with special decorations. It should be noted that these do not steal the show from the food presentation. SCHÖNWALD uses the most modern decoration techniques. A special way of finishing porcelain is sandblasting.
Here, the most diverse motifs can be created on the articles, showing a discreet, yet visually powerful decoration. The articles become absolutely special when they are vaporized in gold or silver after sandblasting.
When developing collection decors, SCHÖNWALD works with trend scouts and designers who are at home all over the world. Interior design, trend colors and, of course, dining trends influence design creativity.

The natural stone slate was the inspiration for this authentic interpretation of layered stone. The porcelain twin picks up on the delicate layered lines of the original, but is significantly more robust and even dishwasher-safe. Thanks to the high firing temperature during decor firing, the decoration sinks into the glaze and remains as beautiful as on the first day.
The original natural stone has a small catch in the professional kitchen: hygiene. Here, you are simply better off with decorated hard porcelain. In keeping with the stone, by the way, the decoration has a matte look. Food creations in strong colors are presented particularly effectively on slate.
SLATE Decoration