Potato croissant, pumpkin, vadouvan and beech mushrooms

Pour boiling water over the cashews and leave to soak overnight. The next day, drain the water and finely puree in a blitz chopper with a little salt, truffle and margarine.
For the croissants, preheat the oven to 180°C. Peel the floury potatoes and cook them in salted water until soft. Mash them with 2 tbsp. margarine, thyme and garlic and season with salt.
Peel the baked potatoes and cut into long strips with a vegetable slicer. Roll up the sheets tightly and cut both ends straight. 1 Cut rolls into four 1.5 cm thick slices. Cut the rolls, which are about 6-7 cm thick, in half and push the inside of each to the outside. Fill the cavities of both halves with potato mash, press together and wrap a 1.5 cm strip around the middle to seal. Season with salt and bake in a pan with a little sunflower oil for 30-40 minutes. Turn halfway through, basting every now and then with hot oil.
Peel and core the pumpkin. Cut 1/3 into thin slices and cut them out round. Dice the remaining pumpkin, sauté in a little margarine and add almond milk. Cook until soft, puree finely and season with a little salt. Steam the pumpkin slices in some margarine and season with salt.
Clean the mushrooms and fry them in a little oil and season with salt.Finely grind the panko and vadouvan with a little salt in an electric coffee grinder.
Arrange the potato croissants with the remaining ingredients.

Potato croissant by Michael Koch
Let our food stylist Michael Koch show you how he makes a vegan potato croissant.
Food trends with a view
Food trends 2022 revolve around sustainability and consumer health. Since the Corona pandemic, consumers have become increasingly concerned with a healthy lifestyle and the associated diet. This is not only about "green" food, but also about its origin. Every restaurateur should thus know about the food trends New Normal, Vegourmets and E-Food.

Food-Trend #1: New Normal
The pandemic opens new doors: The rethinking that took place during Corona in the catering industry has found favor with some guests. Shopping online, reserving a table online or ordering and picking up - these are innovations that save time, bring flexibility and enjoyment. Consumers have already become accustomed to this and are bringing these needs with them into the next year.
The need for health has also been high on the list since the Corona pandemic. But what good is the best diet if our environment suffers. Food production is having a huge impact on our planet, which is why many people are turning to organic foods and a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. Restaurateurs should also take this into account on their menus.
Food-Trend #2: Vegourmets
The neologism "vegourmets" is made up of the two words "vegetarian" or "vegan" and "gourmet". The desire for vegetarian and vegan dishes has been increasing ever since the Plant-Based Food trend. Thus, in the future, upscale cuisine will no longer include only meat, fish or other animal products. For vegourmets, creativity, flexibility and ingenuity are just as much in demand as practical know-how: so the dishes don't just sound good, they actually taste like it.
Food-Trend #3: E-Food
In the age of digitalization and accelerated by the Corona pandemic, it is not surprising that many restaurateurs, but also retailers, food producers or farmers, are focusing on e-commerce and offering their products online. In the long run, new socio-cultural structures are created between the different players to establish new contacts and engage in direct exchange. It is also convenient and saves time.